
Studio visit

An evening of performance and encounter with Ake Zhang Yueyuan

Studio visit, Performance

Come and discover the work of artist Ake through a performance entitled THE-MORTAL-BLOW in villain-hitting rituals. The evening is also an opportunity to meet the artist over a cosy aperitif and discuss the research she has carried out at the Bridderhaus on the theme of "Border of language".

THE-MORTAL-BLOW in villain-hitting rituals, a performance she launched in China two years ago and has already performed in nine different venues, will be the starting point for this encounter. The artist invites the spectator to co-author and participate in a ritual inspired by Cantonese religion entitled Villain hitting.

The Bridderhaus regularly organises encounters with resident artists. These can take the form of a visit, an informal conversation, a performance, etc., the format is left to the discretion of each artist in his or her own studio.

Born in Haikou (1990), Ake moved to Beijing after failing the attempt to strike the exam. She mainly does context-specific sound experiments, events, performances, and installations. She is also a poet, a kind of waitress, a musician, and an organiser. Ake organises the Wujin Tiny Concert series and also sometimes runs a nomadic space called A2Space. She also has other different band projects : Happy Music, 100 Seconds (夺命100秒)and B-level Horror Movie Project (B级恐怖片计划). Her work often departs from concepts that are focused on some kind of everyday thinking, working with limited conditions and exploring the effects of these restrictions in order to draw out the existence and tension within the phenomenon itself. Ake evolves in the subtle spaces of life in a simple and direct way, at times taking ambiguous and twisting paths. Sometimes, she can’t get back.

Open to all.

Free of charge | No booking required.