
Radio Art Zone

16.06.2022 - 25.09.2022

The radio has different sonorities each day: 100 local and international artists and groups have been invited to produce a long programme necessitating their total immersion in the themes and production techniques of their choice. From the point of view of the listeners, Radio Art Zone is a sort of auditory lottery in the form of performances, compositions, installations and interventions in the public space. Each day presents an original concept, a new auditory experience, a new idea of radio. The two-hour lunchtime programme brings a scenario from everyday life to the radio: people cooking and chatting, relaxing and having fun with guests. This framework promotes spontaneous discussions on works of radiophonic art between the artists, the guests and passers-by, all broadcast live as they engage with each other in the kitchen, without formal interviews or a defined programme. Some live lunches will be organised in the Radio Art Zone studio, which is open to the public; others will be broadcast from private kitchens and workplaces in and around Esch, thus anchoring the project in the everyday lives of the listeners.

For 100 days, Radio Art Zone will be broadcast in the Esch 2022, Capital of Culture zone on FM radio. The project will also be available online and will be broadcast simultaneously on a large number of international partner stations, enabling the programme to be largely accessible throughout the world.