
Mike Bourscheid & Vanessa Brown

30.05.2023 - 15.07.2023

During the month of July, the Bridderhaus is welcoming artists Vanessa Brown and Mike Bourscheid to one of the three artists' residency production studios. The production studios (unlike the studio flats) are made available to artists who are not Bridderhaus residents. The two artists are currently working on the design and production of their respective works, in preparation to a number of exhibitions later this year.

Vanessa Brown is an artist based in Luxembourg and Canada. She works in the fields of sculpture, installation and video. Her work explores ideas around craft, constructions of gender, gestures of comfort, ideas of escape and liminal spaces such as holes and dreams. While at Bridderhaus, she is in the early stages of research and production for a two-person exhibition at Gr_und in Berlin and a solo show at CAC Passages in Troyes.

Mike Bourscheid is a sculpture and performance artist whose practice involves the fabrication of ungainly or ridiculous appendages and prostheses in order to create imaginary characters as a means of addressing aspects of masculinity, European pompous mannerisms, culture and education, of masculinity, European pomposity and patriarchal power.

Bourscheid represented Luxembourg at the 57th Venice Biennale in 2017, and recent exhibitions include Richmond Art Gallery (Canada), LIAR NYC (USA) and Heidelberger Kunstverein (Germany).

Mike Bourscheid is currently working at Bridderhaus in Esch-Alzette where he is working on a new body of work for his forthcoming solo exhibition at 1646 (The Hague, Netherlands) which opens on 1 September 2023.

Mike Bourscheid is based in Luxembourg and Vancouver.

Mike Bourscheid

Vanessa Brown is an artist based in Luxembourg and Canada.

Vanessa Brown